Glenn Linderman, Consultant

waving American flag

Offering custom programming and computer education

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Seasoned software designer with over twenty years experience in productivity tools, scripting languages, database applications and internals, operating system internals.  Quickly grasps new concepts, invents solutions to problems, analyzes short-term and long-term benefits, and implements solutions.

A variety of programming languages
Perl, Forth, HTML, C/C++, SQL, Basic, Assembly, others

A variety of operating systems
Windows, Unix, OS/2, others

A variety of database systems
Teradata, Access, SQL Server, dBase, FoxPro

A variety of certifications

Certified for Teradata Database, Rational Clearcase, Convera RetrievalWare

A variety of application experience
The Service Pro
Clip Classic
Sygate Networking
RetrievalWare text search engine
Word Perfect Office Suite
Adobe Photoshop
many others

A variety of version control systems

Clearcase, CVS, RCS, PVCS, SCCS


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Initial discussion
Up to 1 hour at no charge

Short term and part time consulting, software troubleshooting

$125/hr for the first 40 hours; $90/hr thereafter; plus travel expenses

Custom programming
Above hourly rate, or will bid projects at a flat rate

Educational/Tutorial Consulting

Sharing existing knowledge about computers and applications
No advance preparation or research
Low priority based on time available
Immediate payment required

$50/hr plus travel expenses

"Good neighbor" discounts for residents of Chichester Estates, Gardnerville, Nevada

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